Gary was a pioneer in computer technology and digital arts

Gary created high speed data servers to scalable myco cultivation technology. He was a genius who knew the power of digital applications could unleash the creative ingenuity of life on earth, or become a mechanism to enslave the world for the needs of a small population of cultural elites.

While he lived with the heart felt vision of expanding the abilities of the human race through advanced technology, he sought to bring it to the people into the arts and living their lives, understanding that technology could be used to deceive and control instead. However, in his most modest endeavor to feed the world with mushrooms with the power to heal the mind, solve malnutrition and repair damages to the oceans and forests, which fungi can do, he was stripped of his life by the very people who faked a mutual desire, but wanted instead for his life to end to steal his work simple for profit.

Litigation Fund

Apply for Assistance for Legal Protection

Preserve and Protect Wildlife and Domestic Animals

Offer your legal services as in Kind Donation to preserve the rights of widows, heirs and inventors in civil legal matters


Protect creative genius'

from Corporate Predators.

The inventors' lives are cut short by lesser minds who see only dollar signs to feed their greed. Business managers who are not creative themselves become parasites on inventors due to an inability to understand the collective mind and value of supporting one another in harmony. Life can flourish and be enhanced by the continuation of inventions that people like Gary could have done if not starved out as a Satanic type of ritual provide by deceptive corporate slights of hand operating from the big ape mentality that held humanity back over thousands of years.

It is of National Importance and for the benefit of future generations that criminals abusing the legal system get protection from the courts soley for their ability to pay high court costs from stealing the assets that leave the inventor 6 feet under, and family destitute while helpless in courts of law for economic battery intentionally inflicted by the malicious legal denial of rights in the pay to play civil courts.

Your generous Donations on top of membership and friendship promotes equity under the law provided in the Public Interest. Currently GSCF has 3 active cases involving women victimized by lawfare by power men and women with carte blanch access to court favoritism in stark contrast to Commands of the United States Constitution.

Inquires are welcome and your generous Donations keep the lights on so we can do much of the work in-house.

Thank you for your support.