Personal Integrity & Tech Harmony
Bridging technology and spirituality for future generations' benefit.
Cultural Impact
Enhancing arts and communication through responsible technology design and end users.

Internet vs Innernet
We are the original or "Official", not Art-Official replicating. Prior to modern photography painters would make portraits to look exactly like the true life images of Kings and Queens to officially preserve the way they looked, and was known as Art-Official, which has become the modern word "Artificial" which still implies accuracy and generally true to real life. Now, digital arts have are rapidly advancing new ways to spend our time at home, school and business. Although we have great benefits, our brains may strain to keep up to the pace as we are organic people competing with high speed data servers, jobs replaced by robots and virtual realities sporting augmented reality and holograms that appear so real that it can fool the human mind to respond as if real events.
Rediscovering our natural state is supported by being in the country. If that is not possible, slowing down to feel your emotions, and still the mind for your Innernet to browse your own mind and figure things out for yourself. Each person is unique and only through trial and error can e learn and grow new skills. GSCF strives to develop online programs and activities to encourage self acceptance when the allure of fast and easy alternatives are at our finger tips via computers, smart phones and games. AI is the result of data entry by programmers hired by corporations who generate orders for their particular goal and can never replace the human heart, mind and soul. At GSCF we seek to reinforce the path way bridging our lives with the advanced technology we are learning to adapt and interact.
Ashland Oregon's Mountain View GSCF HQ is a nurturing destination for the heart, mind and soul. Your support is greatly need for us to continue our work in the Cascades National Monument where GSCF has been located since 2023.

Customer Feedback
Learn how technology enhances creative options and benefits personal expression in modern culture.
The foundation's vision truly inspires and challenges society to think differently.
Jamie L.
New York
Innovative approaches to technology can create a better future for everyone.
Alex P.
San Francisco